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How V shape Screens Work

Dec. 01, 2021

Because sands come in various shapes and sizes, screens have to rise to challenge. The goal of a screen is to get as much water as possible into the well, and block as much sand and fine grains as possible. The integrity of the screen needs to be considered as well. The pressures from down underground, potential fall off of rocks, the potential swelling of clays and soft rocks, and of course any weight that it bares from casing or other liner.

How Johnson Screens Work

Having all this in mind, V shape screen designed a stainless steel screen that lets more water and less sands, all the while facing any challenge the well might throw its way.

The screen are specially designed with internal support rods spaced about the width of a penny. The slots of the screens are bevelled to maximize water movement and prevent plugging.

Sand screens are position inside the well at the depths or layers where water was discovered during the drilling process. The screens are attached to a blank liner, some times heavy walled PVC and other times drill steel. The screens and liner are carefully lowered down the well. Measure tools are used to verify that the liner was set to the desired depth. In most cases the desired depth is at the bottom of the hole. The liner typically raises up into a larger piece of casing. This ensure that the submersible pumps will be protected from any rogue rocks from the side walls of the well.

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